Welcome to Excel Life Centre London

"Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus Christ" (Yeshua Moshiach).
The mission of Excel Life is: To establish God’s Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

We aim to do this as follows; To Serve the Community, To Unite, To Develop, Empower and Inspire People to become Leaders and To Teach and Preach the Truth. Agape love is what we seek to exemplify. AGAPE is a Greek word for LOVE, AGAPE is Pronounced AHGAHBEY. The Greek word means ‘Unconditional Love’. Loving Somebody regardless of their conditions, whether they are beautiful or ugly, good or bad, rich or poor, happy or sad. AGAPE is a God type of love AGAPE is not based on how we feel it is based on CHOICE. Choosing to love people regardless of how we feel.

Excel Life is a place for everyone. A place of liberty, love, inspiration and purpose playing a practical part in changing the community and changing lives. Turning Suspects into Prospects offering FAITH, HOPE, HEALING, FREEDOM, PRAYER and PURPOSE.

Excel Life aims to meet the needs of people young, old and every nationality. We meet you where you are at. Excel Life aims to serve the community by supporting and reaching out to the broken hearted, poor, homeless, elderly, deprived and lost. Excel Life welcomes you to come and join them every Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and every first and last Friday of the month to hear the solid WORD of God that will transform your life.

Sometimes the cares of the world can try to wear us down, the bible states be anxious (worried) for nothing! Philippians chapter 4 verse 6.
God is real, He loves you and His plans for you are for good.

Lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), we need God and we need each other.

Come and be refreshed, or get involved, develop character and prosper as YOUR SOUL PROSPERS 3 John 1:2

We also want to notify you about our University, Excel University a place where people excel.
We offer Certificate, Diploma and Doctoral Courses!
We are enrolling now! Please visit our website for more details. www.theexceluniversity.org