Church without Walls (Evangelism)

Church Without Walls takes the Church to the streets, exercising on the spot prayer, healing, preaching, teaching and evangelising. As Christians we have been instructed to carry out the GREAT COMMISION.
The Bible states that he that wins souls is wise: Proverbs 11:30 We are given a responsibility from Jesus to share and preach the gospel compelling people to come: Luke 14:23 (The Holy Bible teaches us to witness, share the gospel and make disciples of MANKIND Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15).

Join us weekly between 1pm - 5pm.

To join the Evangelism Team you need to have been a member for THREE MONTHS and fill out a SCREENING FORM 
see website for more details and forms on the link

If you have any queries about joining the Evangelism Team contact: 
Phone: 0843 289 4017
Email: |